Henry Maurice Dunlop Nicoll 1884 – 1953

Henry Maurice Dunlop Nicoll 1884 – 1953

Maurice Nicoll, Founding Father of the system of The Fourth Way. Maurice Nicoll’s work is considered to have produced one of the most complete and organized publications within Fourth Way literature, faithfully representing the teachings of Ouspensky and Gurdjieff. Maurice Nicoll was a Scottish neurologist, psychiatrist, author, and most importantly, one of the founding fathers…

Pyotr Demianovich Ouspensky 1878-1947.

Pyotr Demianovich Ouspensky 1878-1947.

Ouspensky is widely regarded as the other founding father to the development of the system of the fourth way. Born in Moscow to an artistic and intellectual family, Ouspensky refused to follow conventional academic training. Early in his youth, Ouspensky was fascinated by his exceptionally good memory and claimed to be able to recall events…

George Yvanovich Gurdjieff 1866-1949

George Yvanovich Gurdjieff 1866-1949

Gurdjieff is widely regarded as the leading figure who introduced the fundamental knowledge of the system of The Fourth Way to the West. The specifics of Gurdjieff’s early life are unknown, although he is believed to have spent his early adulthood, traveling throughout Egypt, The Middle East, India, and Central Asia. On his travels, he…